Share2011 Spring Conditioning Camp
The Upper Canada Cyclones are pleased to announce that they have hired Top Draft Sports Management to run both our Spring and Summer Conditioning camps.
Spring Conditioning Camp April 18-28, 2011 (4 sessions per group)
32 Skaters & 6 goalies per session – Preference will be given to players that played AAA, then AA & then B Rep in 2010/2011 Season.
3 Levels – Minor Bantam (1998), Major Bantam (1997), and Minor Midget (1996)
Early Bird – $125 until March 1st, 2011
Regular - $160 after March 1st, 2011
NO REFUNDS unless a serious medical condition supported by a doctor’s note. Cheque must be received or post marked by March 1st, 2011 to qualify for Early Bird Fee.
Please print off the following registration form and send it to the UCC Registrar.
2011 Spring Conditioning Camp Registration.pdf
Summer Conditioning Camp – August 8 –17 (6 sessions per group)
32 Skaters & 6 goalies per session - Preference will be given to players that played AAA, then AA & then B Rep in 2010/2011 Season.
3 Levels – Minor Bantam, Major Bantam, Midget
Early Bird – $125 until July 1st, 2011
Regular Fee - $160 after July 1st, 2011
NO REFUNDS unless a serious medical condition supported by a doctor’s note. Cheque must be received or post marked by July 1st, 2011 to qualify for Early Bird Fee.